Monday, April 8, 2013

Blog Post #11

Ms Cassidy's Classroom"

Ms. Cassidy is a first grade teacher in Canada. Her first grade students are astounding. They are amazing on computers and especially the internet. She is teaching them how to use technology effectively instead of using the internet just for social media. I respect her for teaching these kids, at such a young age, how to use technology. I really believe in technology in the classroom. Her children are on the same level as some of my peers and myself. She shows them how to use the blog sites, classroom website, and Wikis. I'm still not even sure what a Wiki is. These children are using the blogs as ways of communication and they are learning writing, audio, and visual skills.

She tells us that the students love to use the blogs because they get feedback from all over the world and having an audience other than your teacher is a very exciting thing, especially when you're in the first grade. Honestly, I wish I had a technology class, such as EDM 310, in high-school because when I got into this class I was very lost. But with some self- teaching and self-learning I believe I am doing very well. The only downfall to technology would probably be that sometimes it isn't reliable. Just like our bodies they can shut down for no reason at all. I agree to using technology in the classroom and I respect Ms. Cassidy for proving all her peers wrong.


  1. Ashton,
    What a great post! I felt the exact same way about Ms. Cassidy. She is such a great influence for up and coming teachers. I also completly agree with wishing we had an EDM class in high school, it would have certainly helped coming into this class. Keep up the great posts and the stuff in this class will just start to come naturally to you (and hopefully me) haha!

  2. Hello Ashton,

    Great job on your post! I thought the same thing! I want to be able to have a classroom much like Mrs. Cassidy's one day. I think it's incredible what the first graders can do! Like you said, some of the things they do, I'm not even sure if I know what it is, like Wiki's.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. "I'm still not even sure what a Wiki is." You should look it up! I don't know. Let's find out!

